
The Finance Committee prepares the parish’s annual budget and ensures appropriate fiscal policies and procedures. The committee is chaired by the Treasurer.  Included on the committee are the Rector, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and two at-large members appointed by the Treasurer.


The Stewardship Committee is responsible for conducting the annual campaign to secure pledges of time, talent, and treasure in support of the parish. This committee works closely with the Finance Committee, but is not limited only to increasing the financial health of the Church.


The Rector, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Treasurer shall constitute the Executive Committee of the parish. The committee advises the rector on church matters; assesses clergy and staff effectiveness reviews annually; supervises vestry elections; and sets the agenda for the next vestry meeting.


The Junior Warden chairs the Property Committee. It provides suggestions and contacts for managing the maintenance of St. Stephen’s properties and acts as a liaison between members, clergy, and staff with the Vestry so that existing and potential maintenance issues will be addressed.


The Outreach Committee endeavors to serve community and world needs, using parish resources. It coordinates parish support of varied local, national, and international charities, and relief programs.  The committee’s purpose is to make a difference in the community from local to world needs. Click HERE for a summary of Outreach Activities.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Committee empowers, supports, and advises in the selection and presentation of Christian education programs for children, youth, and adults. The committee supports Children’s Chapel, Adult Formation, and other offerings as directed by the Vestry.


The Membership Committee has the responsibility to welcome visitors to Stephen’s; monitor and build the membership of St. Stephen’s; and encourage current members of St. Stephen’s to be active participants in the parish.


The Hospitality Committee provides food and fellowship to members and visitors. Its responsibilities include coordinating catering for church and special events; keeping track of kitchen supplies; training kitchen volunteers; and ensuring decorations and materials, such as tablecloths, are laundered and pressed.


The Communications Committee is responsible for much of the communications and publicity for the church. This includes the church website, Facebook page, and various promotions. 


The Worship Committee is responsible for all facets that enhance the liturgy and worship of the church. This includes music, acolytes, Alter Guild, and ushers.

Pastoral Care

The purpose of the Pastoral Care Committee is to provide help to the rector with visitation and assistance to the sick. The Lay Eucharist Visitors (LEV)  are part of this committee.